To help and enhance understanding of each other, it is important that the allegory of man having a king and a baby personality inside him and a woman having a queen and a baby personality inside her should be considered and understood. These personalities manifest from time to time and one has to know which personality is manifesting in order to know how to relate with them well. (a) KING AND BABY PERSONALITY – MAN Using this allegory shall help partners about how to relate to each other according to the personality that is dominating or manifesting at a time. When the king personality is manifesting one has to look at what a king needs in order to relate well with the man. Similarly when a baby personality is manifesting in a man one does not need to mockingly tell the man, “Why do you speak or behave like a baby?” KING (needs): Respect, praises, recognition, attention, dependence, diplomacy A king needs respect, praises when they are due, recognition,...